Monday, February 15, 2016

Dylan, the chameleon

Dylan is quite deliberately rootless, living an adaptable existence. He was a sensitive poet, a protest singer and, for a time, a heavy drug user (John Lennon spoke of nights out on heroin and amphetamines with Dylan).
He was a country singer, then a born-again Christian and then a devout Jew. Now he is mostly a scrawny figure in scruffy clothes. 

Paul McCartney once said that he encountered Dylan at Heathrow in the early Nineties. Dylan, hooded, 'was really like a kind of bagman,' said the former Beatle, who did not recognize him for a few seconds. 

There has always been mythologising around Dylan, mostly self-perpetuated- -  he once said that he was an orphan, did not know his parents and that he had been travelling with a carnival from the age of 13. In 1963, he said he had lost contact with his parents for years. This was far from the truth - in reality they were always close. 

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